Christmas Stockings - Gift Ideas for storage Perfect

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , , | Posted on 00:19

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Who does not love, filled out in search of a Christmas stocking with a variety of beautiful ornaments on Christmas morning, with their name on it?

The tradition of hanging an empty stocking over the fireplace on Christmas Eve in Germany has started hundreds of years ago. It is believed that the origin of Christmas stockings thrown by a wealthy businessman who began with the name of St. Nicholas, three bags of gold down the chimney of a noble route and desperate that they had a dowry to allow his three youngDaughters to marry. The money fell into stockings drying each girl, giving them money for their loved ones Wed necessary. Since then, people have used the inspiring story about love, with small gifts in their stockings hidden surprise for Christmas morning.

A traditional practice in Europe is the conservation of five gifts that stimulate each of the five senses, as the reserve:

Eat something sweet, like fruit or candy.
A toy or other item that makes a noise(May), even for breaking nuts.
One element that is visually appealing in any way like jewelry, cuff links or a coloring book.
Something tactile stimulation, such as modeling clay or a soft toy.
Any item with a distinctive aroma, like bubbles - Bath, cologne, perfume, etc.

In some cultures, the Christmas stocking contains the gifts received only members of the family. Although usually reserved for children of the house, which has many American familiesThe practice of filling the stockings as a way for the whole family - including pets - to participate in the celebrations. During the Christmas stockings were originally just regular socks hung on the mantel to dry, the version of today's festival includes a variety of styles, sizes and materials. Socks housewife seems very popular, with embroidered name individual family members at the summit. Each type of material color, the user may prefer to remain the most popular style of red socks with fuzzyfluffy white trim.

They want the perfect storage cases this year? Here are some simple tips:

Agencies hobbies of the recipient. Products hobby and small dogs are always popular. For example, a new Quilters sewing needles, thimbles decorative or fat can enjoy the neighborhood, could some new fishing lures or bait to enjoy specialty media products, while enjoying the children are always small toys, candy or card games .

Think small. The socks are smaller than you might think. If you may be able to fill hiswith one or two larger objects, is much more fun, throw a couple of minor things in the morning.

Include something unusual or specific only to the recipient. Perhaps your mother is a certain type of perfume or your father loves loves is only a cigar. At least one special item you would not expect that in his position this year.

-Have fun. (Fill and receive) a stocking Christmas should be fun. Do not think too hard for the perfect preservationStuffer gifts. Instead of curious facts, the unusual and unique. Have fun cleaning the shop for new items that the recipient can enjoy.

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The Kindness of Strangers

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 15:51

  • ISBN13: 9780060564780
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

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The Kindness of Strangers

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Kindness of Strangers Overviews

A young widow raising two boys, Sarah Laden is struggling to keep her family together. But when a shocking revelation rips apart the family of her closest friend, Sarah finds herself welcoming yet another troubled young boy into her already tumultuous life.

Jordan, a quiet, reclusive elementary school classmate of Sarah's son Danny, has survived a terrible ordeal. By agreeing to become Jordan's foster mother, Sarah will be forced to question the things she has long believed. And as the delicate threads that bind their family begin to unravel, all the Ladens will have to face difficult truths about themselves and one another—and discover the power of love necessary to forgive and to heal.

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The Kindness of Strangers CustomerReview

Sarah Laden, still smarting from the loss of her husband and dealing with the minutia of raising two sons, confronts the loss of friendship when she discovers that her best friend, a compassionate physician and her friend's husband, also a physician, have been raping their son, Jordan.

Sarah does not intend to foster--and later adopt--the troubled eleven-year old Jordan until her own oldest son suggests it and takes active role in making it happen.

The reader is invited into a plot in which more of the abuse is unveiled piece by piece. The story meanders among the various characters' point-of-views.

The story is compelling, and the prose is good, albeit some of the point-of-view voices are not discernable enough from one another. It is clear that the author has researched the subject of child pornography and sexual abuse. However, as an author who's written on the aspect of child abuse from the aspect of family court "justice," (see PUPPET CHILDPuppet Child,) I was astonished at the large number of dedicated officials spending full-time on Jordan's case. In the years since I've become an activist on the subject, I've learned that the over-riding problem in dealing with such cases is the lack of competent personnel and the case overload of the few publicly employed professionals. Therefore, while I respect the author's study of the topic, the fictional number of characters she's presented as working on the case (and spending time in her kitchen) loses its credibility.

Most importantly, the main characters are more of cut-out figures than this story deserves. Sarah Laden has no complexity whatsoever. She could be any suburban mother whose main focus in life is food (she is a caterer.) Her eldest son, Nate, supposedly a trouble-makers, isn't that bad considering all the troubles teenagers can get into. In fact, Sarah's invasion into his privacy and his need to share with his mother personal details are quite unusual for maturing boys. [Spoiler!] Her second son, Danny, a friend of Jordan's turns out in the epilogue taking place years later to be gay. We've seen no sign of that in his growing up years, and it was absent from his attachment to the boy Jordan. Only Jordan has depth to him and the exploration into his psyche is satisfying.

That said, "The Kindness of Strangers" is one book I read to the end, which is a rare event in the piles of books that often hijack my attention, and is an indication that this novel deserves good ratings.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 08, 2010 06:58:31

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A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , | Posted on 17:30

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A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean

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A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean Overviews

This is the true story of a trip to the beach that never ends. It's about a husband and wife who escape civilization to build a small restaurant on an island paradise -- and discover that even paradise has its pitfalls. It's a story filled with calamities and comedy, culinary disasters and triumphs, and indelible portraits of people who live and work on a sliver of beauty set in the Caribbean Sea. It's about the maddening, exhausting, outlandish complications of trying to live the simple life -- and the joy that comes when you somehow pull it off.

The story begins when Bob and Melinda Blanchard sell their successful Vermont food business and decide, perhaps impulsively, to get away from it all. Why not open a beach bar and grill on Anguilla, their favorite Caribbean island? One thing leads to another and the little grill turns into an enchanting restaurant that quickly draws four-star reviews and a celebrity-studded clientele eager for Melinda's delectable cooking. Amid the frenetic pace of the Christmas "high season," the Blanchards and their kitchen staff -- Clinton and Ozzie, the dancing sous-chefs; Shabby, the master lobster-wrangler; Bug, the dish-washing comedian -- come together like a crack drill team. And even in the midst of hilarious pandemonium, there are moments of bliss.

As the Blanchards learn to adapt to island time, they become ever more deeply attached to the quirky rhythms and customs of their new home. Until disaster strikes: Hurricane Luis, a category-4 storm with two-hundred-mile-an-hour gusts, devastates Anguilla. Bob and Melinda survey the wreckage of their beloved restaurant and wonder whether leaving Anguilla, with its innumerable challenges, would be any easier than walking out on each other. Affectionate, seductive, and very funny, A Trip to the Beach is a love letter to a place that becomes both home and escape.

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A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean Specifications

On a vacation with the family in Barbados, Mel and Bob Blanchard (of the Vermont-based Blanchard & Blanchard specialty foods company) stumble upon a tiny restaurant/shack on a Caribbean beach:

I marveled at the ingenuity of the set-up. A secluded spot, sand like flour, customers arriving in bathing suits. The guy barely lifted a finger, cleared at least .00, and gave us a lunch we'd remember forever.... The man had sold us a frame of mind.
So begins the Blanchards' 10-year pursuit of the illusory notion of "island time." In a literary heartbeat, they abandon the "concrete jungle" that was Vermont and open a restaurant on a little-known island in the British West Indies called Anguilla ("rhymes with vanilla"). Narrated by Mel Blanchard, A Trip to the Beach dispels tired notions of the Caribbean--the steel drums, the lush landscapes, and acres of swaying palm trees--and instead focuses on the understated elegance and easy rhythms of the sublimely "flat, and scrubby" island. Though lacking the richness and finesse of Frances Mayes, and the wit and wisdom of Peter Mayle, Mel Blanchard nonetheless forges a new path in travel writing as the Martha Stewart of the Caribbean. A remarkably intuitive and inspired chef, Mel writes poignant passages on running a kitchen in Anguilla. Here she exposes the meat of the story, sharing her many outrageous adventures--how to cater to pampered and demanding guests, how to cook for a full restaurant in the darkest of island night with no electricity, how to prepare for recurring and utterly devastating hurricanes that wipe out your business. In these chapters the writing is as good as her cooking--inspiring, colorful, and easily digestible. Although she sometimes relies heavily on well-worn clichés and expresses naïve and rather privileged assumptions--"Why would anyone choose to live surrounded by concrete and traffic rather than fishing boats, water and palm trees?"--discerning readers will see the true nature of this tiny island--a place of simplistic beauty that struggles to maintain its independence while it depends on tourism for its livelihood. With a strange concoction of anecdotes, island politics, recipes, and sweet memories, the Blanchards seduce readers with the allure of "island time," bringing Anguilla home to the rest of us. --Daphne Durham

A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean CustomerReview

The bitter reviews are totally undeserved and off-base. I felt like I was reading about some other book.

The Blanchards, who were probably the worst business people in the western world decide to open a little beach bar restaurant on the island of Anguilla. Things change when they find the perfect place, but the rent is thousands per month--way too much to build a beach bar. It has to be a fancy restaurant. Did it occur to them to negotiate or look for a cheaper place? They didn't say it did. So, they start designing and planning. They soon learn that most everything has to be imported from elsewhere. Melinda flies home to Vermont to pack everything and put the house on the market and then to Florida to buy EVERYTHING they'll need to build and furnish the restaurant. Bob is back in Anguilla supervising the construction. This is all Very Expensive. Just the customs duty on everything was staggering. Luckily, they had sold their former business which provided them with the dollars they needed--although, they came perilously close to running out of money.

The Blanchards respect and care for the people of Anguilla is obvious. The people of Anguilla seem to have accepted the Blanchards as citizens and friends. In fact, they still have most of the staff they originally hired when they started the restaurant.

I especially enjoyed the sailboat race story. Bob was asked to help build and crew a boat for some locals. He was thrilled to be asked. When he asked about how they were going to get a sail the group told him they hoped he would pay for it. "How much"? he asks. They tell him ,400 and he says, "OK"!

The Blanchards worry about their son in college in Washington state, but there are no long winded boring phone conversations with him as someone else reported.

This book is not at all a "cure for insomnia" in fact, I found the opposite to be true. I stayed up too late reading it.

While I'm not sure I would like the Blanchards if I knew them and I'm a little disappointed that their newest venture means they can't spend much time on the island they wanted to spend the rest of their lives on--I still loved the book.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Mar 05, 2010 08:37:19

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Problems with a pregnancy?

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 07:50

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Many couples have difficulty conceiving a child and, sometimes, you understand why this happens. Some couples never have the privilege of these little bundles of joy and a few years to wait years to have to think.

There are many reasons why a woman can become pregnant have problems. There are times that it is the woman or the man imbalances in the body, a pair of, I want a child who does not make them that badly. Whatever the reason for notcan imagine, there are ways that this problem can be helped.

Just as ways to prevent conception, there are also opportunities to help them. For some couples, the problem is not the imbalances in the body, but still can not understand, even if the woman's body from the design and implementation, and the man of fertile sperm may be able and do not know why.

Introduce methods to help couples can work only if and when the problems of the bodydetermine if there are problems from the outset. Here are some ways to imagine, to help you if you have problems.

The first thing to do is visit your doctor and talk with him or her about the problems you have. Your doctor will let you know if you and your children or partner capable of producing. If you feel that you have just waited too long to take the baby you've always wanted, you see your gynecologist to find out that he or she feels like to be able to dodiscover what is the problem.

For some women, the lack of certain chemicals in the body and the hormones necessary for the father of a child, and there may be a way to solve this problem, if that is what prevents a child.

For many couples is the lack of intimacy. This problem is easily solved. You and your significant other should take a vacation to have time alone and will be able to close more than they are normally.

Although not groped to get pregnant all the pairsyou should find time for other things, the lack of quality time really ruin a relationship. If you have problems, I'm away from work during the week, take a holiday weekend in the country and stay in and have some 'time together and intimate. Try to make the effort everyday to stay at work and at home, while you make the mini-vacation.

Stress is one of the main reasons why many couples who can not understand. If your daily life sometimes stressful, or even if you exhausted allThey need time to sit down, take time each day and head clear. For a woman, is a good way to do this in order to take a hot bath with some bubbles' of soft music and aromatherapy.

For men, a good exercise to reduce stress is to walk or jog or to the gym and train for a while '. Exercise is also a good opportunity for couples together to de-stress. Stress can be a couple too tired to be intimate, but here's a suggestion, intimacy is a very large weightdecongestion.

There are many other possibilities, a couple can help a child. A doctor can tell you what to do if the problem is psychological rather than physical. Do not be shy with your doctor about the problems to tell. This is what we are, because after all, to help you solve your health problems, whether mental or physical disability.

This information is in no way a substitute for professional medical advice, so be sure to talk with your doctor before starting an exercise routineor supplements may help to understand.


The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers: Improving the Way Your Family Eats, One Meal at a Time!

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 01:19

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The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers: Improving the Way Your Family Eats, One Meal at a Time!

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The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers: Improving the Way Your Family Eats, One Meal at a Time! Overviews

For busy moms, getting dinner on the table night after night can be a challenge. So it’s no surprise that they often rely on fast food, takeout, and convenience meals like macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, and fries. The kids love it, but the drawback is that little twinge of guilt moms feel every time they feed their family another marginally healthy meal. At the end of the day, many children end up with a poor diet high in sugar, saturated fat, and calories. . . a major factor in the rising rates of obesity.

High-profile dietitians Janice Bissex and Liz Weiss show fellow moms a better way. In their book, they offer realistic guidelines designed to give families a healthy meal makeover. The duo’s 5-Step Meal Makeover Plan begins with new advice on how to market good nutrition to kids, establish food rules, and make life easier in the kitchen. Their Best of the Bunch Chapter reveals which brands of kid convenience foods—hot dogs, frozen pizza, and more—are the best- tasting and most nutritious ones out there. They follow up with tips for stocking a healthy pantry, and then serve up 120 recipes for family favorites such as Fast-As-Boxed Macaroni and Cheese, Squishy Squash Lasagna, Cheesy Broccoli Soup, Sweet Potato Fries, and Chocolate Pudding with Toppers. All come complete with nutrition information and have been made over to be faster and more nutritious than the originals.

The Moms’ Guide to Meal Makeovers tackles what’s wrong with today’s all-American diet and offers realistic and delicious ways to improve it.

The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers: Improving the Way Your Family Eats, One Meal at a Time! RelateItems

The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers: Improving the Way Your Family Eats, One Meal at a Time! CustomerReview

I love this cookbook and these ladies. All the recipes I've tried have been yummy, easy and nutritious. I'm not very comfortable in the kitchen, am not a very good cook and really struggle with what to make for my family for dinner each night. I found Janice and Liz's podcast this summer and loved it. They mentioned their book so I got it right away. It's my favorite cookbook--and I've bought lots because I need lots of help. After making several of their recipes (and having good results), I feel more comfortable in the kitchen, cook more often and am willing to try foods and ingredients that I would have been too intimidated to try before. I know they are working on their next cookbook and I'm looking forward to getting it as soon as it comes out.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 28, 2010 16:26:23

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Queen of Babble in the Big City

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , , , , , | Posted on 01:02

  • ISBN13: 9780060852016
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

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Queen of Babble in the Big City

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   Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Queen of Babble in the Big City Overviews

Lizzie Nichols is back, pounding the New York City pavement and looking for a job, a place to live, and her proper place in the universe (not necessarily in that order).

"Summer Fling" Luke's use of the "L" (Living Together) word has her happily abandoning plans to share a one-room walk-up with best friend Shari in exchange for cohabitation with the love of her life in his mom's ritzy Fifth Avenue pied-à-terre. Lizzie's landed a non-paying gig in her chosen field—vintage wedding gown rehab—and a paying one as a receptionist at Shari's boyfriend's father's posh law firm. So life is good . . . for the moment.

But almost immediately her notoriously big mouth is getting her into trouble. At work she's becoming too chummy with society bride-to-be Jill Higgins, inflaming the ire of Jill's troublesome future mother-in-law. At home she's made the grievous error of bringing up the "M" (Marriage) word to commitment-shy Luke. Once again joblessness and homelessness are looming large for hapless blabbermouth Liz—unless she can figure out some way to babble her way to a happily ever after.

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Queen of Babble in the Big City CustomerReview

In the second book, the hints begin to show up. To understand the Sherri thing (and see the hint dropping begin), I would read the first book, as it is a total shock in the second one. But then, the Chaz can see it coming. Maybe it's not a sure thing, but there are some subtle hints here and there, the biggest one being the fact that he is mentioned and discussed at length at all, as opposed to simply being the background character he was in the first book. The pattern of break-ups is painfully annoying, and feels like Andrew (and by extension, Luke) should never have even been mentioned, that maybe the story should have just been about Lizzie, Sherri, and Chaz to start from, instead of complicating things and as a result, making it repetitive and boring.

Rating: 4/5

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 26, 2010 16:08:46

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101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do

Posted by GOO | Posted in , | Posted on 18:15

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101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do

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101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do Overviews

101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do is the ultimate manthology. With entries that range from the sublime to the sardonic, this book is the pitch-perfect gift, the laugh-out-loud beach read, the steady bathroom companion. When it comes to modern manly must-knows—like growing a beard, bribing the cable guy, and looking good in a Speedo—101 Things has got you covered. Or perhaps you want to fight a bear? Escape an alien abduction? Interact with crackheads? Look no further. 101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do is the one-stop reference for man-tastic advice in a mundane world.

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101 Things Every Man Should Know How to Do CustomerReview

This is a well-crafted and very funny book. I think the idea of sourcing a book of essays/stories from a large pool of potential authors -- with selections voted on by site members -- is both inventive and strong.

It's a free-market approach to publishing and, if this book is any indication, the most valuable essays seem to succeed in the marketplace.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored:Feb 24, 2010 09:21:38

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